


Sapporo Game Jamでは、ハラスメントのないイベントを目指しています。いかなる形であれハラスメントは許されません。 このルールを破る人は誰であろうと、運営チームの裁量で制裁処置を加えたり、イベントから出入り禁止・Discordの追放をすることもありえます。


  • ジェンダー、性自認やジェンダー表現、性的指向、障碍、容貌、体型、人種、民族、年齢、宗教あるいは無宗教についての攻撃的なコメントをすること
  • 公共のスペースで性的な画像を掲示すること
  • 脅迫、ストーキング、つきまとい、または、それらを計画すること
  • いやがらせ目的の撮影や録音
  • 発表や他のイベントを継続的に妨害すること
  • 不適切な身体的接触
  • 不快な性的アトラクション
  • 侮辱、または参加者へ攻撃や妨害をするようなコメントや態度
  • モラルに欠けるようなコメントや態度
  • 以上のような行為を推奨したり、擁護したりすること







  • 自他の失敗もたのしみ、お互いにフォローをできる限りで良いので積極的に行いましょう
  • 自他の「知らない」「分からない」「できない」は過剰に咎めずに認め、その上で代案や細分化をしていきましょう
  • 意見を言う時の主語は「私は」「自分は」など、主語を自身にしてで始めてみましょう。「普通は」「皆は」は極力控えましょう
  • お風呂やシャワーなどで最低限の清潔さを維持し、体臭対策はしましょう
  • 険悪な雰囲気でその場に居るのが辛い場合は、遠慮なくスタッフ含めた近くの人に相談しましょう


Global Game Jam Sapporo 実行委員会では、参加登録やアンケートの際に、お名前やメールアドレス・住所・電話番号といった個人情報の入力をお願いする場合がございます。 取得した個人情報は、以下の用途で使用し、これらの目的以外では利用いたしません。

  • お問い合わせへの返答
  • イベント保険の加入
  • イベント中の連絡
  • 過去の参加情報との突合
  • その他、社会通念上において運営チームが必要と考えられうる対応が発生した場合


  • ご本人の同意がある場合
  • 業務を委託する事業に対して開示する場合
  • 法令に基づき開示することが必要である場合
  • 感染者発生時のイベント施設・保健所・政府への提出が求められた場合
  • スポンサー企業への問合せ対応で必要な場合
  • ハラスメントや犯罪発生時に、被害者への情報提供が妥当と判断した場合

Sapporo Game Jamは主に日本在住の日本人を主な対象として運営されています。


  • オフィシャルWebサイトのホスティング
  • イベント登録者の個人情報のホスティング
    • Doorkeeper
      • イベント登録サイトとして利用
  • Doorkeeper以外のアンケート情報のホスティング


  • アクセス解析を目的としてWebサイトへのアクセスログを収集しております
  • オフィシャルサイト内ではCookieは利用していません




本イベントでは、誰もが撮影・配信・公開をすることができます。 運営チームは思い出作りやプロモーションを主な目的とし、写真や動画の撮影・公開を行います。



Anti-Harassment Policy

The following is a list of points to keep in mind when participating in the event.

Do not engage in harassment

Sapporo Game Jam aims to be a harassment-free event. Harassment in any form will not be tolerated. Anyone who breaks this rule may be sanctioned, banned from the event, or banned from the Discord at the discretion of the management team.

Harassment includes and is not limited to the following.

  • Offensive comments about gender, gender identity or expression, sexual orientation, disability, appearance, body type, race, ethnicity, age, religion or non-religion.
  • Posting sexually explicit images in public spaces.
  • Threatening, stalking, following, or planning to do so
  • Filming or recording for the purpose of harassment
  • Continually disrupting announcements or other events
  • Inappropriate physical contact
  • Offensive sexual attractions
  • Insulting, offensive or disruptive comments or attitudes toward participants
  • Morally offensive comments or attitudes
  • Encouraging or advocating any of the above

If you are instructed to cease the harassing behavior, please comply immediately.

If a participant engages in harassing behavior, the management team may issue a warning, ban him/her from the event, or ban him/her from the Discord.

If you are being harassed, or notice that someone else is being harassed, please contact a staff member immediately.

The management staff will make every effort to ensure the safety during the event of anyone facing harassment by contacting venue security, police, escorts, or other necessary help when participants need it.

Communication Guidelines

To prevent problems from turning into harassment, the following points are outlined below.

  • Be willing to follow up with each other to the best of your ability, and enjoy your own and others’ mistakes.
  • Don’t be overly critical of others’ “I don’t know,” “I don’t understand,” or “I can’t do it,” and then offer alternatives or clarifications.
  • When expressing your opinions, start with your own subject, such as “I am,” “I am,” etc. “Usually,” “Everyone else is,” “Everyone else is,” etc. Avoid “usually” and “everyone else” as much as possible.
  • Maintain a minimum level of cleanliness by taking a bath or shower, and take measures to prevent body odor.
  • If the atmosphere is uncomfortable and it is hard to be there, do not hesitate to talk to someone nearby, including staff members.

Privacy Policy

Global Game Jam Sapporo Executive Committee may ask you to enter personal information such as your name, e-mail address, address, and telephone number when you register to participate in the event or complete a questionnaire. The personal information obtained will be used for the following purposes and will not be used for any other purposes.

  • Replying to inquiries
  • Event insurance coverage
  • Contacting you during the event
  • To compare the information with past participation information
  • Other actions deemed necessary by the management team under socially accepted norms.

In addition, the stored personal information will be properly managed and will not be disclosed to any third party except in the following cases.

  • When we have the consent of the person in question.
  • When disclosing the information to a business to which we outsource our operations
  • When disclosure is required by law
  • When required to submit the information to event facilities, health centers, or the government in the event of an outbreak of an infectious disease
  • When required in response to inquiries to sponsor companies
  • When we deem it appropriate to provide information to victims in the event of harassment or crime
Various Hosting and GDPR

Sapporo Game Jam is operated primarily for Japanese nationals residing in Japan.

As of November 2022, the hosting of the official website and personal information of event registrants will be handled by the following companies.

  • Hosting of the official website
  • Hosting of personal information of event registrants
    • Doorkeeper
      • Hosting of personal information of event registrants
  • Hosting of survey information other than Doorkeeper

The Official Site defines IP addresses and cookies as follows

  • Access logs to the website are collected for the purpose of access analysis
  • Cookies are not used within the Official Site

Please refer to the privacy policy of each business for other information on the handling of personal information to web hosting and event sites.

If you are a resident of an EU member state and subject to the GDPR, please use the contact form to exercise your rights under the GDPR. You may also appeal to the supervisory authority if you have not been properly processed.

Filming, Distribution and Publication Policy

Anyone may photograph, distribute, and publish photos and videos at this event. The management team will take and publish photos and videos for the main purpose of creating memories and promotion.

In participating in this event, you agree to provide your portrait rights.

We appreciate your cooperation in order to ensure the event’s continued success.