
Global Game Jam は例年、冬の時期に開催されており、昨今で話題の新型コロナウイルスの他、インフルエンザも含めた感染対策が必要と考えております。 つきましては、イベントの参加するすべての関係者の皆様(以下、全参加者)に下記の対策をお願いいたします。


  • マスクの着用
  • 体調不良時のオフライン会場への参加の自粛

また、感染症対策の方針については必要に応じて変更されます。変更については Discord内にて随時アナウンスします。



  • 新型コロナウイルスワクチンのオミクロン対応ワクチンまでの接種
  • 2022年度のインフルエンザワクチン



COCOA アプリ (新型コロナウイルス接触確認アプリ) は、陽性者の全数届け出の見直しにより、機能停止されます。




参加者はマスクを持参するか、運営チームが用意しているものを利用することができます (なるべく持参してください)。スタッフが不適格とみなしたマスクについて、運営チームより提供されたマスクへの取り替えを求めることがあります。

マスクは鼻と口を覆う必要があります。フェイスシールド、バンダナ、また通気孔がついたマスクは認められません。使い捨てマスク (不織布マスク) の利用を推奨します。それ以外のマスクについては不織布マスクへの取り替えをお願いする場合があります。


全坂者は、定期的な手洗い・うがい、アルコール消毒をお願いいたします。 また、各所にアルコール消毒液を用意いたします。





運営チームへのDiscordのDM、またはお問い合わせフォームにてご連絡ください。 また、自治体や政府、施設管理者や保健所から求められた場合に参加者リストを提出いたします。


Health Policy and Response Policy

Global Game Jam is usually held during the winter season, and we believe that it is necessary to take precautions against infection, including influenza as well as the new coronavirus that has become a hot topic in recent years. Therefore, we request that all participants in the event (hereinafter referred to as “all participants”) take the following precautions.

In brief summary, we ask that you take the following measures

  • Wear masks
  • Refrain from participating in offline venues if you are not feeling well

The infection control policy will be changed as necessary. Any changes will be announced on the Discord as necessary.

Vaccination Information

All participants are recommended to receive the following vaccines.

  • New coronavirus vaccines up to and including Omicron-compatible vaccines
  • Influenza vaccine for the year 2022

Vaccination is recommended, not required.

About Contact Confirmation App.

The COCOA application (novel coronavirus contact confirmation application) will be deactivated due to a review of the notification of all positive cases.

Installation of the application is not required.

At Venue.

All attendees are required to wear masks at all times. Masks may be removed when eating or drinking.

Participants may bring their own masks or use those provided by the management team (please try to bring your own). Participants whose masks are deemed ineligible by the staff may be asked to replace them with masks provided by the management team.

Masks must cover the nose and mouth. Face shields, bandanas, and masks with ventilation holes are not allowed. Disposable masks (non-woven masks) are recommended. Other masks may be requested to be replaced with non-woven masks.

Handwashing, gargling, and alcohol disinfection

We ask that all hill workers wash their hands regularly, gargle, and disinfect with alcohol. Alcohol sanitizer will be available at each location.

Positive Reports During the Event

We will be making announcements on Discord regarding positive reports during the event and people in close contact with the event. Positive reports and persons with close contacts will not be allowed to enter the venue.

The event will continue as planned unless the venue or health department instructs us to cancel the event. If the event is cancelled, it will be switched to a fully online event.

Contact information in the event of a positive or close contact.

Please contact the management team via Discord DM or contact form. We will also provide a list of participants if requested by local authorities, governments, facility managers or health centers.

Handling of Personal Data for the Purpose of Preventing the Spread of New Coronavirus Infections